Working part-time as a student employee while you're going to college can provide more than just money. Your job can give you a break from the pressures of academic life, 帮助你学习新事物,认识新朋友. 之前的工作能力, 之间的, and after scheduled classes is also a benefit of working as a student employee at St. 爱德华的. 

的re are a variety of opportunities for student employment in on-campus positions and off-campus community service positions. 在考虑大学的工作时, you should weigh the advantages of locating a job that matches your special skills, 感兴趣, 和/或学术专业.

在St. 爱德华大学的课程由许多系提供. 学生 can be paid directly by the department or through a 勤工俭学. 

Student positions paid directly by a department enable students to work on-campus even though they do 不 have a work-study award through the Office of Student Financial Services. University departments hire approximately 800 student employees under this program. 的 large number of job opportunities funded by this program helps illustrate the investment university departments commit to student employees.

的 勤工俭学 provides students the opportunity to gain valuable work experience through part-time employment. Participants must have demonstrated financial need and have a work-study award as part of their financial aid offer through the Office of Student Financial Services. 工作的例子包括家教, 办公室助理, 休闲的助理, 设施助理, 以及活动人员.  每年, approximately 250 students are funded for job opportunities through this program based on the work-study allocation provided to the university by the state and federal governments.

勤工助学 is coordinated through the Office of Student Financial Services (SFS). SFS位于主楼204室. Our office can be contacted at (512) 448-8523 locally or toll-free at (800) 555-0164. 办公时间为周一至周五上午8点至下午5点.

校外社区服务 offers students a chance to gain work experience while also giving back to the community.


  • 一般就业:人力资源(512-448-8587)
  • 勤工俭学:学生金融服务(512-448-8523)
  • Job Postings (山顶的职业/Handshake) and Assistance in 应用ing for 学生就业 Positions: 职业和专业发展 (512-448-8530)

政策 - General information regarding the policies specific to students employed by St. 爱德华的 can be found in the student employee and university employee policies. In addition to the information and policies stated in the Employee Handbook, student employees of St. 爱德华的 have specific policies pertaining to their employment. Any discrepancy 之间的 the information found 之间的 the Employee Handbook and the policies outlined for student employees is resolved in favor of the student employment policies.


All on-campus and off-campus positions and internships associated with St. 爱德华的, as well as general off-campus positions and internships 不 associated with the university are listed through 山顶的职业 powered by Handshake. 请按照下面的说明开始找工作.


  • 登录到 山顶的职业 使用蓝色 St. 爱德华大学单点登录 button
  • 登录并完成配置文件后,选择 校园 选项下的 工作 选项卡
  • 点击 搜索 button

To search for on-campus positions that are only open to work study students:

  • Follow the steps above to search for an on-campus position, then
  • 点击 过滤器 选项下方的搜索栏
  • 选中复选框 工作研究
  • 点击 看到工作


  • 登录到 山顶的职业 使用蓝色 St. 爱德华大学单点登录 button
  • 下 工作 选项卡, use the search bar or select from the different options and filters available below the search bar
  • 点击 搜索 button

All student employees are responsible for completing the appropriate hiring documentation to ensure access to timesheets and for payment of time worked.


New student employees are required to visit the 人力资源 office to complete their 新聘文件,包括:

  1. i - 9形式
    • 请仔细查看USCIS 可接受单据清单 (第3页)填写I-9表格 
    • 我们必须看看 原始的、实物的、未过期的文件 (扫描件和/或照片将 被接受)
    • 员工可以从列表A中选择一个 or a combination of one selection from List B and one selection from List C
  2. 工资支付选择表格
  3. W-4 (2021)
  4. 背景调查(如适用)

学生 不能 begin working until all of these documents are in their personnel file.

To make an appointment with HR, please feel free to use our Google 日历 to 安排一次面对面的会议,或者周一至周四上午8点直接上门.m. - 5:00 p.m. 的 Office of 人力资源 is located on the SEU campus in Doyle Hall, Room 131. 请注意,我们周五不在.


为了让国际学生工作, they must apply for a Social Security Number (SSN) through the Social Security Administration (SSA). SSN需要在Banner中处理他们的作业.

  1. 员工与 国际学生服务(ISS) 到学校取回工作证明(VOE)
    1. 的 student’s supervisor will need to approve that the student will be employed with them
  2. 的 student brings the VOE and foreign documentation to the SSA so they can apply for a social
  3. 一旦学生获得了他们的卡, they need to update their student record at the 注册商’s Office (MAI 221)
    1. 的 注册商 will update the students school record and then Banner will update that information overnight
    2. 届时,学生招聘文件将能够生成
  4. 学生到人力资源部填写I-9表格
    1. F-1学生可以选择携带外国护照, I-94(可以打印出来), 和I-20表格

确保合理支付工时报酬, student employees must complete their timesheet on a bi-monthly basis


  • 登录你的 myHilltop 账户
  • 选择 提交/审核工时表 任务
  • Follow the timesheet tutorial video to ensure that your timesheet is completed correctly


查看工作学习收入- Student employees who receive wages through the 勤工俭学 can view their work-study earnings through their myHilltop 账户. 要访问此信息,请完成以下步骤



<选项卡le>分类级别 学生助理 熟练的助理 (我) $ 8.00 - $8.50 $ 9.00 - $ 9.50 中间(2) $ 8.25 - $ 9.25 $ 9. 25 - $ 10. 25 先进的(3) $ 8.50 - $ 10.00 $ 10.00 - $ 12.00


Do you want to gain real-world experience, plus some extra money without even having to leave campus? 发现 校园工作的诸多好处.